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Michiana Brits 2011 Annual Fall Colors Drive on October 22nd
Trip report submitted by Tom Shumaker

It was a brisk 30 degree morning as I headed out to my little British car to warm her up for a romp through the hills and curves of the countryside. I wasn't alone as Randy and Bev's driveway began to fill with British iron. Even one came via trailer. As we gathered and food filled the tables for the late afternoon feast, Randy prepared us for the journey that was before us.

Along the journey, buzzards flew overhead waiting for one of us to fall short of our destination, deer scampered at the site of our caravan of mighty little cars rolling down the road. Even though the map took us down the same roads we traveled last year, I saw it anew as sunshine blessed our drive. The roar of the fire at the restaurant could only be felt as talk of British cars and previous trips were discussed. After lunch many of us braved the lowering of our tops and enjoyed the fresh air and occasional smell of burning leaves.

As the journey ended, we gathered up our forks, spoons, bowls and plates and settled down to a wonderful feast and conversation remembering the times before electronics had taken over our lives. A wonderful trip has been stored away as memories as well as our cars will be prepared for their winter's rest... Until next year!



© 2023 Michiana Brits, Ltd | a chapter of North American MGB Register and Vintage Triumph Register | site maintenance by Steve Peterka